automakers, more of which today are placing empha- sis on ethical production and seeking to root out child labour and environmental damage from their supply chains, he said. These minerals will feed into a growing EV eco- system set to include new battery plants in Windsor and St. Thomas, Ont., as well as EV assembly lines in Brampton and Oakville. There’s even speculation new players, such as Audi — drawn by Volkswagen’s battery plant under development in St. Thomas — could enter the picture. It is often said in the race to produce lower car- bon footprints, it’s important to do a so-called well- to-wheel analysis of everything that goes into produ- cing and then driving vehicles. In Canada, it seems, we have the potential to have the wells, the wheels and everything in between.
Facing page: “Project Arrow”
The NextStar Energy battery plant is one of several investments announced since 2020 totalling more than $30 billion.
FALL 2024 | 19
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