Teaser | EMotion | Issue 2 | Fall 2024

News | Notes | Knowledge

Well-To-Wheels Analysis Canada Is Poised For Success.


of geological terrain to host all those types of mineral deposits,” he said. “We have it all. We’re really lucky to have that.” As proof, Killeen said more than half of the world’s publicly traded exploration and development com- panies are listed in Canada. “The mineral industry in Canada has been more than a century in the making, and the capacity this industry has for financing, for discovering, for devel- oping new deposits and bringing those minerals to global markets, that’s a part of our DNA,” he said. The $3.9 billion Canada spent on exploration in 2023 went primarily to three provinces: Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia, but the real story may be in smaller provinces, such as Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In Manitoba, exploration spending is expected to hit $200 million in 2024, up significantly

CANADA’S MINING INDUSTRY IS SPENDING billions as it seeks to cash in on the coming electric vehicle revolution. From lithium and cobalt to manganese, nickel, copper and magnesium, Canada’s mineral supply holds the promise of creating a made-in-Canada supply chain that starts deep underground and ends when a new EV rolls off the assembly line. Jeff Killeen, policy and program director for Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, said Canada’s size and geological diversity put it in an enviable position to be a one-stop-shop for EVs, and it’s spending like no other country in the world to develop those resources. “It’s massive. If we just look at some simple facts that are unchangeable: we’re the second-largest country in the world (and) we have almost every type

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