T HE EXTREME E 2024 SEASON got off to a flying start – literally – in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in February. But don’t try to book a ticket – as part of its environ- mental commitment the series doesn’t allow specta- tors on site. Extreme E touts itself as the only racing series to be built “out of a social purpose’, which is “to minimize environmental impact while maximizing awareness, racing in places that have already been damaged or affected by climate change or human interference and taking fans deep into the heart of the most pressing issues facing our planet’s future.” The series employs a scientific committee which advises on its education and research programs, event logistics and impact, as well as suggesting leg- acy initiatives to support local communities in each race location. Extreme E moves its eight teams, 18 drivers and vehicles on a ship it owns, uses hydrogen to charge the cars, and offsets its carbon emissions. The organ- ization also minimizes the footprint of its events by not allowing spectators on site and restricts teams to a maximum of seven people – the two drivers, an engineer and four mechanics. The off-road electric racing series opened its fourth season on the sandy dunes with the Desert X Prix. The 3.2-kilometre winding course incorporated enormous jumps, extreme drops, and dust and sand hazards.
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